January 9, 2025
The Piedmont Room at Clyde’s of Gallery Place
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
We’ve had an exciting year as a DC-AAPOR family and during this time we got together, looked back on a successful year, and celebrated the start of 2025. We enjoyed free food and beverages and met our DC-AAPOR councils, including the incoming 2025 council members.
This year, our holiday party was held at Clyde’s of Gallery Place – 707 7th Street NW, Washington DC, easily accessible via Gallery Place/Chinatown metro stop on the Red, Green, and Yellow lines.
In addition to drinks and appetizers we announced the winners of both the Student Paper Award and the annual Outstanding Achievement Award at the party.
As always, the party was free for DC-AAPOR members, but registration was required! Members must either have been a member of DC-AAPOR in 2024 or registered for 2025.
DC-AAPOR Book Club
Running Series
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
James N. Druckman: Experimental Thinking: A Primer on Social Science Experiments
Publication date: February 2024
About the book:
Experiments are a central methodology in the social sciences. Scholars from every discipline regularly turn to experiments. Practitioners rely on experimental evidence in evaluating social programs, policies, and institutions. This book is about how to “think” about experiments. It argues that designing a good experiment is a slow-moving process (given the host of considerations) which is counter to the current fast-moving temptations available in the social sciences. The book includes discussion of the place of experiments in the social science process, the assumptions underlying different types of experiments, the validity of experiments, the application of different designs, how to arrive at experimental questions, the role of replications in experimental research, and the steps involved in designing and conducting “good” experiments. The goal is to ensure social science research remains driven by important substantive questions and fully exploits the potential of experiments in a thoughtful manner.
The book is the 2023 Experimental Politics Section Best Book Award from the American Political Science Association!
DC-AAPOR / WSS 2024 Review Preview Conference
July 28, 2023
Hosted by the DC-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Washington Statistical Society
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC
We know you can’t attend every conference, so DC-AAPOR and WSS teamed up once again to bring you a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) that have been or will be taking place at national and international conferences. At the 2024 Review Preview Conference, you got the opportunity to share your work with local colleagues, hear what others are doing, and connect with colleagues in person. Click here to review the program.
After the conference, we hosted a happy hour nearby at the Hotel Hive rooftop at 2224 F Street NW Washington, DC.
Thank you to our conference sponsors, NORC, Westat, RTI, NPC and Pew Research Center!
DC-AAPOR Book Club
Running Series
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Michael A. Bailey: Polling at a Crossroads: Rethinking Modern Survey Research
Publication date: February 2024
About the book:
Survey research is in a state of crisis. People have become less willing to respond to polls and recent misses in critical elections have undermined the field’s credibility. Pollsters have developed many tools for dealing with the new environment, an increasing number of which rely on risky opt-in samples. Virtually all of these tools require that respondents in each demographic category are a representative sample of all people in each demographic category, something that is unlikely to be reliably true. Polling at a Crossroads moves beyond such strong limitations, providing tools that work even when survey respondents are unrepresentative in complex ways. This book provides case studies that show how to avoid underestimating Trump support and how conventional polls exaggerate partisan differences. This book also helps us think in clear and sometimes counterintuitive ways and points toward simple, low-cost changes that can better address contemporary polling challenges.
DC-AAPOR Book Club
Running Series
Thursday, June 20, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Peter Enns: Incarceration Nation
Publication date: March 2016
About the book:
The rise of mass incarceration in the United States is one of the most critical outcomes of the last half-century. Incarceration Nation offers the most compelling explanation of this outcome to date. This book combines in-depth analysis of Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon’s presidential campaigns with sixty years of data analysis. The result is a sophisticated and highly accessible picture of the rise of mass incarceration. In contrast to conventional wisdom, Peter K. Enns shows that during the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, politicians responded to an increasingly punitive public by pushing policy in a more punitive direction. The book also argues that media coverage of rising crime rates helped fuel the public punitiveness. Equally as important, a decline in public punitiveness in recent years offers a critical window into understanding current bipartisan calls for criminal justice reform.
This book is the 2024 Book Award winner from AAPOR!
DC-AAPOR Book Club
Running Series
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Christof Wolf, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, J. Craig Jenkins: Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences
Publication date: November 2023
About the book:
In Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, a team of distinguished social science researchers delivers a comprehensive collection of ex-ante and ex-post harmonization methodologies in the context of specific longitudinal and cross-national survey projects. The book examines how ex-ante and ex-post harmonization work individually and in relation to one another, offering practical guidance on harmonization decisions in the preparation of new data infrastructure for comparative research. Readers will also find:
- A thorough introduction to approaches and concepts for survey data harmonization, as well as the effects of data harmonization on the overall survey research process
- Comprehensive explorations of ex-ante harmonization of survey instruments and non-survey data
- Practical discussions of ex-post harmonization of national social surveys, census and time use data, including explorations of survey data recycling
- A detailed overview of statistical issues linked to the use of harmonized survey data
POQ Special Issue Webinar: Race, Justice, & Public Opinion
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
This panel event featured authors from the 2023 Special Issue of Public Opinion Quarterly: “Special Issue: Augmenting Surveys with Paradata, Administrative Data, and Contextual Data.” Authors discussed their work in the 2023 special issue, as well as what questions and research they have pursued since that publication.
Panelists included:
Joseph W. Sakshaug, Distinguished Researcher, Department of Statistical Methods, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany
Bella Struminskaya, Associate Professor, Department of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ethical Considerations for Augmenting Surveys with Auxiliary Data
Tobias Gummer, Team Leader and Senior Researcher, GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
How to Detect and Influence Looking Up Answers to Political Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys
Iva Valentinova Tasseva, Assistant Professor in International Social and Public Policy, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Income Source Confusion Using the SILC
Rebecca R. Andridge, Associate Professor, Division of Biostatistics in the College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, US
Evaluating Pre-Election Polling Estimates Using a New Measure of Non-ignorable Selection Bias
DC-AAPOR Book Club
Running Series
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Taylor N. Carson and Jaime E. Settle: What Goes Without Saying: Navigating Political Discussion in America
Publication date: May 2022
About the book:
Why are political conversations uncomfortable for so many people? The current literature focuses on the structure of people’s discussion networks and the frequency with which they talk about politics, but not the dynamics of the conversations themselves. In What Goes Without Saying, Taylor N. Carlson and Jaime E. Settle investigate how Americans navigate these discussions in their daily lives, with particular attention to the decision-making process around when and how to broach politics.
The authors use a multi-methods approach to unpack what they call the 4D Framework of political conversation: identifying the ways that people detect others’ views, decide whether to talk, discuss their opinions honestly―or not, and determine whether they will repeat the experience in the future. In developing a framework for studying and explaining political discussion as a social process, What Goes Without Saying will set the agenda for research in political science, psychology, communication, and sociology for decades to come.
DC-AAPOR’s Let’s talk about it–Diversity in Public Opinion Research Webinar
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
We believe that DC-AAPOR should first involve hearing directly from diverse voices within the public opinion community. Every researcher is an expert in their own lived experience and can speak to their experiences in the field and the intentionality with which they approach their work. This event, likely the first in a series of community discussions and listening sessions, consisted of an online panel where we can hear from researchers who are people of color about their experiences and challenges working in public opinion research. Not only do we want to learn how their identities influence their work, but we also want to learn about the challenges they face as researchers working in this field. Our ultimate goal for this discussion is to create space for everyone to share their lived experiences and create a community that truly welcomes and values ALL data practitioners.
DC-AAPOR / WSS 2023 Review Preview Conference
July 28, 2023
Hosted by the DC-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Washington Statistical Society
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC
We know you can’t attend every conference, so DC-AAPOR and WSS teamed up once again to bring you a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) that have been or will be taking place at national and international conferences. At the 2023 Review Preview Conference, you got the opportunity to share your work with local colleagues, hear what others are doing, and connect with colleagues in person. Click here to review the program.
After the conference, we hosted a happy hour nearby at the Hotel Hive rooftop at 2224 F Street NW Washington, DC.
Thank you to our conference sponsors!
POQ Special Issue Webinar: Race, Justice, & Public Opinion
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
This panel event featured authors from the 2022 Special Issue of Public Opinion Quarterly: “Race, Justice, and Public Opinion.” Authors discussed their work in the 2022 special issue, as well as what questions and research they have pursued since that publication.
Panelists included:
David C. Wilson, University of California, Berkeley
Maria Krysan, University of Illinois, Chicago
Race, Justice, and Public Opinion: Understanding the Continuing American Dilemma
Darren Davis, University of Notre Dame
The Prospect of Antiracism: Racial Resentment and Resistance to Change
Gabriel R. Sanchez, University of New Mexico
Raymond Foxworth, First Nations
Social Justice and Native American Political Engagement: Evidence from the 2020 Presidential Election
Mackenzie Israel-Trummel, William & Mary
Police Abuse or Just Deserts? Deservingness Perceptions and State Violence
David Dohery, Loyola University Chicago
Race, Crime, and the Public’s Sentencing Preferences
Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech (Professor Emeritus)
Racial Identity, Reparations, and Modern Views of Justice Concerning Slavery
Ashley Jardina, George Mason University
Trent Ollerenshaw, Duke University
The Polls—Trends: The Polarization of White Racial Attitudes and Support for Racial Equality in the US
Short Course: Budgeting 101 “Hands On” Budget Development for Public Opinion Research Projects
March 22, 2023
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Meta Platforms, Inc.
575 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Most public opinion professionals begin their careers working on projects whose budgets were created by others in their organization and they must live within the constraints of those budgets. This course was designed for those interested in better understanding budget creation and are ready to improve their own budget skills specific to public opinion research projects. Students learned how to break down a project into manageable segments, multiple methods for estimating costs, how to build the budget as a model where assumptions change, and how to manage the budget over the life of the project.
This was not a lecture course. The entire course provided a hands-on / interactive exercise where attendees were guided through the budget planning / building process (i.e., laptop computer with Excel or Google Sheets required). The instructors discussed real-world demands made on anyone creating or managing a budget, e.g., “the client needs this to cost less than $X,” “we need X% profit margin,” “we must deliver results in X days / weeks / months,” or all of the above). In the end, students experienced the steps to building a project budget and prepared for the efficient management of project costs.
Chuck Shuttles, Chief Panel Officer, HyphaMetrics (a small tech startup company)
In 20+ years he has a track record of utilizing strong communication, qualitative, quantitative, and start-to-finish research project management skills across a broad range of organizations such as Nielsen, GfK, Symphony Advanced Media, and Comscore. He currently leads development of cross-media (TV, Internet, mobile) behavioral measurement panels; including sophisticated budgeting for individual projects and the overall company at HyphaMetrics.
Jordon Peugh, Chief Business Officer, SSRS
Jordon has conducted social science research for two decades. At SSRS, Jordon is responsible for the development and oversight of annual research budgets totaling more than $7 million. She directs all elements of research for clients in non-profit, commercial, media, government, and academic sectors. Jordon holds a Master’s degree in Sociology from NYU. She has co-authored multiple peer-reviewed papers, appearing in Health Affairs, JAMA and others. Jordon has served AAPOR as Secretary-Treasurer (2018-2019) and Communications Chair (2015-2016), in addition to numerous committees over the years.
This in-person course was $40 for DC-AAPOR members, $75 for nonmembers, and $15 for students.
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
January 5, 2023
The Piedmont Room at Clyde’s of Gallery Place
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
We’ve had an exciting year as a DC-AAPOR family and during this time we got together, looked back on a successful year, and celebrated the start of 2023. We enjoyed free food and beverages and met our DC-AAPOR councils, including the incoming 2023 council members.
This year, our holiday party was held at Clyde’s of Gallery Place – 707 7th Street NW, Washington DC, easily accessible via Gallery Place/Chinatown metro stop on the Red, Green, and Yellow lines.
In addition to drinks and appetizers we announced the winners of both the Student Paper Award and the annual Outstanding Achievement Award at the party.
As always, the party was free for DC-AAPOR members, but registration is required! Members must either have been a member of DC-AAPOR in 2022 or registered for 2023.
DC-AAPOR Book Club 2.0
Running Series
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Yulei He and Guangyu Zhang: Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Practice: Basic Theory and Analysis Strategies
Publication date: November 2021
About the book:
Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Practice: Basic Theory and Analysis Strategies provides a comprehensive introduction to the multiple imputation approach to missing data problems that are often encountered in data analysis. Over the past 40 years or so, multiple imputation has gone through rapid development in both theories and applications. It is nowadays the most versatile, popular, and effective missing-data strategy that is used by researchers and practitioners across different fields. There is a strong need to better understand and learn about multiple imputation in the research and practical community.
This book explains statistical concepts of missing data problems and the associated terminology. It focuses on how to address missing data problems using multiple imputation. It describes the basic theory behind multiple imputation and many commonly-used models and methods. These ideas are illustrated by examples from a wide variety of missing data problems. Real data from studies with different designs and features (e.g., cross-sectional data, longitudinal data, complex surveys, survival data, studies subject to measurement error, etc.) are used to demonstrate the methods.
2022 Election: A Postmortem Panel
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
4:00 – 5:30 PM EST
A panel of colleagues and industry leaders digested the 2022 midterm election results and examined implications for the polling and consulting professions, for the 2024 elections, and for the administration. The event was held in conjunction with the Roper Center’s Mitofsky Award Dinner.
The postmortem panel included:
- Kathy Frankovic, one of the world’s leading experts in public opinion polling. After more than three decades at CBS News, she continues to be an election and polling consultant for CBS News, as well as Harvard University, the Pew Research Center, Open Society Foundations and YouGov. She sits on the ESOMAR Professional Standards Committee and writes weekly analyses of polling results of the Economist/YouGov Polls. Kathy received both the AAPOR Achievement Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement and the Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research.
- Carlos Odio, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Equis Labs. Carlos oversees the research and overall strategy for Equis. Formerly, Carlos was Director of Special Projects for New Organizing Institute, leading experiments on candidate recruitment and online campaign training. He was a member of the DNC Platform Drafting Committee in 2012 and served in the White House Office of Political Affairs, acting as a liaison for Latino leaders and an advisor on political issues in the southern and western regions, after working as Deputy Latino Vote Director for the 2008 presidential campaign.
- Whit Ayres, Founder and President of North Star Opinion Research, a national public opinion and public affairs research firm located in Alexandria, Virginia. Whit has over 30 years of experience in polling and survey research for high profile political campaigns and associations. He is the author of 2016 and Beyond, which draws upon his years of campaign experience and decades of polling trends to illustrate the ways in which new candidates, new messages, and a new tone can help Republicans win the presidency in the New America.
- Asma Khalid, White House correspondent for NPR and co-host of The NPR Politics Podcast. She joined NPR’s Washington team in 2016 to focus on the intersection of demographics and politics, and since has covered the 2020 presidential campaign, the Boston Marathon bombings, and much more. Her reporting often dives into the political, cultural and racial divides in the country and has been recognized with the Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism, as well as awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the Gracie Award.
This event was free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research and DC-AAPOR.
Fall Super Review Conference
Monday, November 7, 2022
The Madison Hotel | 1177 15th Avenue NW Washington, DC
Jointly Hosted by the DC-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Washington Statistical Society
Sponsored by NORC at the University of Chicago in recognition of the 50th celebration of the General Social Survey
DC-AAPOR and WSS are teamed up once again to bring a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) that had been taken place at national and international conferences during the pandemic. At the 2022 Fall Super Review Conference, attendees got the opportunity to share their work with local colleagues, hear what others were doing, and connect with colleagues in person. Click here to view the event program.
Pre-purchased registration tickets included all-day access to the conference, morning & afternoon coffee refreshment breaks, and two drink tickets for the NORC/GSS reception immediately following the final session.
DC-AAPOR Book Club 2.0
Running Series
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Claire McKay Bowen: Protecting Your Privacy in a Data-Driven World
Publication date: November 2021
About the book:
At what point does the sacrifice to our personal information outweigh the public good?
If public policymakers had access to our personal and confidential data, they could make more evidence-based, data-informed decisions that could accelerate economic recovery and improve COVID-19 vaccine distribution. However, access to personal data comes at a steep privacy cost for contributors, especially underrepresented groups.
Protecting Your Privacy in a Data-Driven World is a practical, nontechnical guide that explains the importance of balancing these competing needs and calls for careful consideration of how data are collected and disseminated by our government and the private sector. Not addressing these concerns can harm the same communities policymakers are trying to protect through data privacy and confidentiality legislation.
POQ Special Issue Webinar: New Data in Social and Behavioral Research
Thursday, July 14, 2022
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM ET
This panel event featured authors from the 2021 Special Issue of Public Opinion Quarterly: “New Data in Social and Behavioral Research.” Authors discussed their work in the 2021 special issue, as well as what questions and research they had pursued since that publication.
Panelists included:
- Fredrick G Conrad, University of Michigan
- Florian Keusch, University of Mannheim
- Michael F Schober, The New School
- Kaiping Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Stefan McCabe, Northeastern University
- David Rothschild, Microsoft Research
- Avital Livny, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Indira Sen, GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences
- Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University
DC-AAPOR Book Club 2.0
Running Series
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Barry Schouten: Mixed-Mode Official Surveys: Design and Analysis
Publication date: September 2021
About the book:
Mixed-mode surveys have become a standard at many statistical institutes. However, the introduction of multiple modes in one design goes with challenges to both methodology and logistics. Mode-specific representation and measurement differences become explicit and demand for solutions in data collection design, questionnaire design, and estimation. This is especially true when surveys are repeated and are input to long time series of official statistics. So how can statistical institutes deal with such changes? What are the origins of mode-specific error? And how can they be dealt with? In this book, the authors provide answers to these questions, and much more.
Recommendations from the NASEM report on Measuring Sex, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation for NIH
Click here to read the final report.
Monday April 18, 2022
3:30 – 5:00 PM ET
In 2021, the National Institutes of Health sponsored a National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine panel to produce a consensus report with conclusions and recommendations on guiding principles for collecting data on sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Panel members shared findings from the report and staff from NIH discussed applications of the findings. Participants included:
Kellan Baker (panel member),
Executive Director and Chief Learning Officer,
Whitman-Walker Institute
Nancy Bates (panel co-chair),
Senior Survey Methodologist,
U.S. Census Bureau (retired)
Jose Bauermeister (panel member)
Albert M. Greenfield Professor of Human Relations
Chair, Department of Family and Community Health
School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Christina Dragon (panel co-chair)
Measurement & Data Lead
Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office
National Institutes of Health
Aliya Saperstein (panel member)
Associate Professor of Sociology
Benjamin Scott Crocker Professor in Human Biology
Stanford University
DC-AAPOR Book Club 2.0
Running Series
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Craig Hill and Stas Kolenikov: Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods
Publication date: September 2020
About the book:
Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods shows how survey data and Big Data are used together for the benefit of one or more sources of data, with numerous chapters providing consistent illustrations and examples of survey data enriching the evaluation of Big Data sources. Examples of how machine learning, data mining, and other data science techniques are inserted into virtually every stage of the survey lifecycle are presented. Topics covered include: Total Error Frameworks for Found Data; Performance and Sensitivities of Home Detection on Mobile Phone Data; Assessing Community Wellbeing Using Google Street View and Satellite Imagery; Using Surveys to Build and Assess RBS Religious Flag; and more.
Event Recording: Coming Soon
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Margaret Roller and Dr. Paul Lavrakas: Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework Approach
2021 AAPOR Book Award recipient
Publication date: April 2015
About the book:
This unique text provides a comprehensive framework for creating, managing, and interpreting qualitative research studies that yield valid and useful information. Examples of studies from a wide range of disciplines illustrate the strengths, limitations, and applications of the primary qualitative methods: in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, ethnography, content analysis, and case study and narrative research. Following a consistent format, chapters show students and researchers how to implement each method within a paradigm-neutral and flexible Total Quality Framework (TQF) comprising four interrelated components: Credibility, Analyzability, Transparency, and Usefulness. Unlike other texts that relegate quality issues to one or two chapters, detailed discussions of such crucial topics as construct validity, interresearcher reliability, researcher bias, and verification strategies are featured throughout. The book also addresses applications of the TQF to the writing, review, and evaluation of qualitative research proposals and manuscripts.
Event Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51sry0hZ8GY&t=6s
DC-AAPOR Book Club 2.0
Running Series
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Laura Wilson & Emma Dickinson: Respondent Centred Surveys: Stop, Listen, and then Design
Publication date: November 2021
About the book:
Respondent Centred Surveys: Stop, Listen, and Then Design promotes a new way to conceptualize and conduct survey design, expands your theoretical thinking, and shows step-by-step how to achieve survey goals by empowering survey respondents. Too often, surveys are designed for the analyst, rather than the respondent. This book challenges the status quo by putting respondents’ needs at the heart of survey development. It encourages practitioners to stop, listen, and then design to improve response rates and collect high quality data. Drawing on their experience at the UK Office for National Statistics, the authors demonstrate how to combine social research and user experience best practice, describe the tools for inclusive and accessible surveys, address practical research problems such as participant recruitment, and provide links to helpful web material and further reading.
Event Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUdIrIpFJY8&t=25s
Monday, September 27, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Professor Peter Lynn: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology
Publication date: March 2021
About the book:
Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology delivers a thorough review of the most current knowledge in the implementation of longitudinal surveys. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the many advances that have been made in the field of longitudinal survey methodology over the past fifteen years, as well as extending the topic coverage of the earlier volume, “Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys”, published in 2009. This new edited volume covers subjects like dependent interviewing, interviewer effects, panel conditioning, rotation group bias, measurement of cognition, and weighting.
Event Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7fo8YHUEG0
POQ Special Issue Webinar: Political Communication & Public Opinion
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
1:00 – 2:30 PM ET
This panel event featured authors from the 2020 Special Issue of Public Opinion Quarterly: “Political Communication and Public Opinion: Innovative Research for the Digital Age”
Authors discussed their work in the 2020 special issue, as well as what questions and research they have pursued since that publication. Speakers included:
Michael Beam, Kent State University
David Silva, Kent State University
Communication Behaviors During Presidential Elections: An Examination of Time, Events, and Battleground States
Spyros Kosmidis, University of Oxford
Can Social Media Incivility Induce Enthusiasm? Evidence from Survey Experiments
Shannon C. McGregor, University of North Carolina
“Taking the Temperature of the Room”: How Political Campaigns Use Social Media to Understand and Represent Public Opinion
Kjerstin Thorson, Michigan State University
Political Communication and Public Opinion: Innovative Research for the Digital Age
Benjamin Toff, University of Minnesota
All the News That’s Fit to Ignore: How the Information Environment Does and Does Not Shape News Avoidance
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Webinar: Designing Survey Questions about COVID-19
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
2:00 PM ET
Attendees learned about the development and testing of COVID-19 survey questions from experts with the Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design and Evaluation Research (CCQDER) at CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
As COVID-19 spread through the United States in early 2020, immediate data collection was essential to understand the magnitude of the pandemic’s effects. Still, the influx of information—with new terms and conflicting messages about the virus—made it particularly difficult to develop good survey questions that all potential respondents could understand. This webinar featured NCHS question-design experts discussing their evaluation work and key findings from a recent report about the evaluation of COVID-19 survey questions. Presenters also provided an overview of the CCQDER program, outlined question design challenges posed by the pandemic, and offered strategies to improve question design for current and future response efforts.
Joint Washington Statistical Society & DC-AAPOR Statistical Seminar Event
Developing and Testing an Online Diary Survey: Memorial Seminar for Jennifer Edgar
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
12:30 – 2;00 PM ET
The Washington Statistical Society (WSS) and DC Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (DC-AAPOR) honored the memory of Dr. Jennifer Edgar and her survey research contributions to the Federal Statistical System.
Adam Safir and Laura Erhard from the Division of the Consumer Expenditure Surveys at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) presented on the Consumer Expenditure Surveys Redesign, known as the Gemini Project. During her tenure at the BLS, Jennifer was involved with the effort from its inception and helped launch the effort to research and develop a redesign proposal for the Consumer Expenditure surveys, addressing issues of measurement error and respondent burden, and to outline the future direction of the Consumer Expenditure Survey.
Adam Safir, Division Chief for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys, provided some introductory remarks on the history and the status of redesign effort and highlight Jennifer’s contributions. Laura Erhard, Branch Chief for the Branch of Research and Program Development, presented on the results of a recent online diary field test and discussed survey methodological challenges and areas for additional research from the field test.
The event began with a montage of video and voice memo tributes in remembrance of Dr. Jennifer Edgar, so the WSS and DC-AAPOR invited members of the statistical community to submit short videos or voice memos honoring Jennifer. For additional information or details on this video or voice memo tribute, please contact Brandon Kopp or Jeffrey Gonzalez.
DC-AAPOR will also honor Jennifer as the recipient of the 2020 DC-AAPOR Outstanding Achievement Award.
For additional information about this event, please contact Jeffrey Gonzalez, WSS Methodology Program Chair.
Research and the Black Community
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
4:15 – 5:45 PM ET
Camille Lloyd, Director of the Gallup Center on Black Voices, led a discussion on how research practices, along with the resulting findings, affect the Black community. The panel discussed gaps in representation, mistrust in research studies, and how to amplify Black voices in research. Panelists included:
- Karla Slocum, Director of the Institute of African American Research UNC-Chapel Hill
- Cary Funk, Director of Science and Society Research at Pew Research Center
- Candace Hokett, Lead Consultant and Founder at CHH Consulting LLC
To view a video recording of this event, visit https://youtu.be/XCGWKNZoSdA.
This event was presented by the DC-AAPOR Diversity Working Group.
2020 Election Polling: A Post-Mortem
Friday. November 13, 2020
4:00 – 5:00 PM ET
We didn’t know if the election would be decided by the time of our postmortem, but we did know that we would have plenty to talk about. We digested the 2020 election results, the plethora of polls, and their implications. One particular focus for the panel was on the effects of race, gender and generation on this vote and for the future. There was plenty of time to hear from the many pollsters in attendance. The panel was moderated by Murray Edelman (Election and Polling Media Consultant). Panelists included:
- Amy Walter, National Editor of The Cook Political Report
- Mark Hugo Lopez, Director Global Migration and Demography Research, Pew Research Center
- Vincent Hutchings, Hanes Walton, Jr. Collegiate Professor of Political Science and African Studies and University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor at the University of Michigan
Measuring Impact of Online Communications and Disinformation in Campaigns
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
4:00 – 5:30 PM ET
In this webinar, DC-AAPOR and the Roper Center collaborated to present a joint panel discussion highlighting the role of disinformation and online attacks on the 2020 election focusing on who and what most moved the vote and how did we know? Speakers highlighted the role of foreign vs. domestic bad actors, campaigns targeting the voter vs. the vote, the role of the social media companies, the tactics that worked and the most meaningful interventions. The panel was moderated by Anna Greenberg, PhD (Managing Partner GQR). Panelists included:
- Jiore Craig, Vice President, GQR.
- Patrick Ruffini, Partner and Co-Founder, Echelon Insights
2020 Census Recap
Thursday, October 22, 2020
1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
In this webinar, participants learned about the 2020 Census and what changes needed to be made in response to COVID-19. Topics covered included methodology and outcomes as well as the integrated communications campaign. There was time at the end for Q&A. Panelists included:
- James Treat – Senior Advisor for Decennial Affairs
- Kathleen Styles – Chief, Decennial Communications & Stakeholder Relations
To view the slides and recording of this event, please click here.
How Data Collection Has Changed During COVID-19: A Webinar
September 15, 2020
1:00 – 2:30pm
In this webinar, representatives from various sectors (government, non-profit, private sector) shared how their organization’s survey data collection methods had to change in the time of COVID-19. After each panelist’s presentation, there was a Q&A with attendees. Panelists included:
- Jaki McCarthy (USDA-NASS)
- Jenny Hunter Childs (Census)
- Pat Moynihan (Pew Research Center)
- Eran Ben-Porath (SSRS)
Basics of R: An Online Course for DC-AAPOR
June 25 and June 26, 2020
9am – 12pm
This short course introduced this powerful (and free) statistical package and provided a basic understanding on which to build. The instructors covered:
- The R programming language
- How to create and run an R program
- Steps to analyze survey data
- Resources for answering R questions
- Highlights of more advanced topics
Jill A. Dever, Senior Director ar RTI International and Richard Valliant, Research Professor Emeritus at the Universities of Michigan and Maryland, instructed the course. The course included simple calculations, running programs, function writing and debugging, and use of specialized packages for advanced calculations and analysis.
AAPOR All Chapter Virtual Mixer
June 10, 2020
4pm (PST)/6pm (CST)/7pm (EST)
This mixer provided members the opportunity to meet Representatives from all of AAPOR’s Local Chapters and Learn about Membership and play Chapter Trivia.
National AAPOR Executive Council Reception
January 14, 2020
DC-AAPOR members met at Zaytinya to mingle with the National AAPOR Executive Council at this annual DC-AAPOR reception. This year’s council members can be found here.
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
December 4th, 2019 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: The Loft at The Hamilton
DC-AAPOR members enjoyed free food and beverages, met their DC-AAPOR council and the incoming 2020 council members. We also announced both the student paper award and the annual Outstanding Achievement Award at the party.
DC-AAPOR Mentoring Event
November 19, 2019
Location: AARP: 601 E St NW Washington DC 20049
DC-AAPOR’s Diversity Working Group hosted a mentoring event on November 19, 2019 to facilitate mentoring in the survey research industry. Matthew Hanzlik, VP, Diversity & Inclusion at Nielsen, presented on the benefits of mentorship and its best practices. This talk was followed by a reception where potential mentors and mentees met one another.
Thank you to our sponsors for this event!
DC-AAPOR Respondent Burden Workshop
Monday, October 21, 2019
8:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Location: Bureau of Labor Statistic Conference Center, Rooms 1- 3
There have long been concerns about the burden that surveys place on respondents in the survey field. However, there is little consensus among researchers on how to define and measure respondent burden. This workshop offered presentations by public- and private-sector researchers exploring the conceptual framework of respondent burden and presenting some recent findings on this topic.
To view slides from this event, please click here.
- James Dahlhamer (NCHS): Does Reducing the Length Matter? An Assessment of Respondent Burden with the Redesigned U.S. National Health Interview Survey
- Morgan Earp (BLS): Exploring the Relationship between Burden Factors and Survey Response
- Stephanie Eckman (RTI International): Changes in Reporting over Waves in the Consumer Expenditure Survey
- Jessica Holzberg (Census): Assessing the Burden of the American Community Survey
- Robin Kaplan (BLS): What Does it Mean to be Burdened?: Exploring Subjective Perceptions of Burden
- Yezzi Lee (BLS): Exploring the monetary incentives and respondent burden in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey
- Ting Yan (Westat): A Conceptual Framework of Response Burden
Thank you to our sponsor!
Joint DC-AAPOR and WSS Seminar
How Public Opinion Research Organizations Work: The Case of Pew Research Center
Thursday, October 17 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Chair: Robert Aronstam, Teacher, Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
The voice of the people matters in a democracy, and public opinion polling is one means by which that voice can be heard. As a way of gauging public opinion, polling has the advantage of providing relatively equal representation to everyone. But who conducts public opinion polls and how are they conducted? Who decides what is asked, and how? In this seminar, Scott Keeter and Rachel Weisel addressed these and other questions. Using Pew Research Center as a case study, with comparisons to other organizations with similar missions, they addressed the following topics:
- How topics for study are chosen
- How specific studies are designed and executed
- How the results are disseminated to relevant audiences
- How funding for our work is obtained
Scott Keeter is Senior Survey Advisor at the Center, where he was director of survey research until 2016. He is a past president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and author of several books and articles on public opinion and survey methodology. Rachel Weisel is Senior Communications Manager at the Center, overseeing dissemination and communication strategy for several of the Center’s research areas.
DC-AAPOR/WSS 2019 Summer Review-Preview
July 12, 2019
DC-AAPOR and WSS teamed up once again to bring you a sample of exemplary presentations taking place at this year’s national and international conferences (e.g., AAPOR, JSM, ESRA, ITSEW, and BigSurv). At the 2019 Summer Conference Preview/Review, attendees had the opportunity to share work, hear what others are doing, and connect with colleagues. After the conference we had a happy hour at Union Pub.
You can see the final program and presenters’ slides here: http://files.dc-aapor.org/slides/summer2019/Program_final_online.pdf.
Introduction to Using Online Testing to Support Pre-Testing and Survey Methods Research in the Federal Government
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center, Rooms 1 & 2
A recent innovation in federal agencies is the use of online testing methods to conduct questionnaire pretesting and evaluation, cognitive interviews, usability testing, and primary methodological research. Results from small-scale research conducted online can provide evidence to support changes to survey questionnaires and data collection procedures before they are implemented in the field while reducing the costs and staff time needed to conduct the research and improving data quality compared to other data collection methods.
This seminar offered an introduction to conducting online testing within the federal system. The presenters, researchers from federal agencies including the Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Census Bureau, provided a foundation for thinking about whether online testing methods are appropriate for your project, guidance on how to use online testing methods to supplement and complement in-lab research, and case studies from our experiences using several platforms. The seminar will also provide practical considerations for using these platforms at your own agency, including the use of contracting tools and services.
Joint WSS and DC-AAPOR Seminar
Diving into the U.S. Census Bureau Planning Database and ROAM Application: Tools for Survey and Census Planning
Wednesday, June 5, 2019, 12:30 – 2:00 PM (ET)
Speakers: Suzanne McArdle, Luke Larsen, and Kathleen Kephart, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Tom Mule, U.S. Census Bureau
The presenters demonstrated how to use the Planning Database (PDB) and Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM), giving several examples of their capabilities.
The PDB is an easy-to-access dataset that is updated annually. It contains the greatest hits of American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. These include popular U.S. housing, demographic, socioeconomic, and operational statistics from the 2010 Decennial Census and the most recent ACS dataset. The PDB also contains the Low Response Score (LRS), which is a predicted mail return rate by block group and by census tract. New to the 2019 PDB are ACS 5-year internet access statistics and 5-year ACS self-response rates.
ROAM is an interactive mapping application, developed to make it easier to identify hard-to-survey areas and the socioeconomic and demographic profiles of those areas. It is based on a subset of PDB data at the census tract-level, including the LRS, poverty status, education level, race, Hispanic origin, and language spoken at home. A new version of ROAM will be released in Summer 2019.
Both of these products have many potential uses. Some examples include:
• Identifying geographic areas for special outreach and promotional efforts
• Examining expected completion rates at low levels of geography
• Linking with spatial map data to create thematic maps
• Generating reports, cross tabulations, and simple analyses
POQ Special Issue Conference
March 15, 2019 8:30am-4:00pm
DC-AAPOR proudly hosted the 11th Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference. This year’s conference featured the guest editor and many of the authors who contributed to the 2018 Special Issue: “The Psychology of Politics and Elections”:
Thank you to Westat for sponsoring this event!
National AAPOR Executive Council Reception
March 12, 2019 5-7pm
DC-AAPOR members enjoyed after-hours refreshments and mingled with members of the American Association for Public Opinion Research National Council.
2018 Annual DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
December 18, 2018, 5-7:30 pm
Clyde’s at Gallery Place, 707 7th St, NW, Washington, DC
Title: How U.S. Pre-election Polls are Changing in an Era of Disruption and Scrutiny
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Speaker: Scott Clement, Polling Director, The Washington Post
Chair: Sareeta Carter Schmitt, AP Statistics teacher, The School Without Walls of Washington, DC
Sponsors: WSS Statistics Education Committee, WSS Methodology Section and DC-AAPOR (The Washington-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research)
Location: Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet Norwood Conference Center
Abstract: The past decade has brought a rapid proliferation in U.S. pre-election polls, ways they are conducted and approaches to combining and interpreting results. This change has also come amid heightened scrutiny of the accuracy of pre-election polls and efforts to use polls to provide precise forecasts of election results, which came to a head with Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 election. A report by the American Association for Public Opinion Research found national polls that year were particularly accurate by historical standards, but that state surveys significantly underestimated Trump’s support. This talk discussed the driving forces behind changes in pre-election polling, the chief challenges for pollsters and the news media in conducting and interpreting polls in the coming years.
The Roper Center, DC-AAPOR and Pew Research Center Present: 2018 Election Polling: A Postmortem – Midterms in a Polarizing Time
November 15, 2018
Pew Research Center, 1615 L St, NW Suite 800, Washington, DC
The midterm election generated interest, news and endless speculation about consequences for both parties and the country. In this event, we digested the 2018 midterm election results and their implications. The postmortem was held at Pew Research Center. The postmortem’s panel included several distinguished panelists, including Claudia Deane (Pew Research Center), Dan Judy (North Star Opinion Research), Mark Mellman (The Mellman Group), and Heidi Przybyla (NBC News). The panel was chaired by Susan Pinkus – polling consultant and former director of the Los Angeles Times poll.
Emerson Blanquerna Global Summit 2018
Oct 5, 2018
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center
First St NE, Washington, DC 20515
DC-AAPOR sponsored a panel at the 4th Emerson-Blanquerna Global Summit, sponsored by the Center for Global Communication. The Summit explored topics in Politics, Propaganda & Strategic Diplomacy globally through polls, case studies, campaign strategies, creative projects, election outcomes, and international relations practices. Attendees delved into political, diplomatic and communication strategies and tactics at the local, national, and international levels – learning, sharing, and redefining best practices.
Web Survey Paradata 1-day short course
October 9, 2018
BLS Conference Center: 2 Massachusetts Ave.
Paradata are the data automatically generated when respondents answer Web surveys. There are many different kinds of Web survey paradata, including email tracking tools, user agent strings (to identify devices used), and server-side and client-side paradata (CSP) providing information on things like response times, mouse-clicks, scrolling behavior, and so on. This course provided participants with an overview of the different types of Web paradata, and how they can be collected, managed, and analyzed to provide useful information on data quality and nonresponse in Web surveys, leading to design improvements. The course focused on the use of paradata rather than the technical aspects of capturing paradata.
Mick P. Couper is a research professor at the Survey Research Center (SRC), Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, and in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland. He is author of Designing Effective Web Surveys (Cambridge University Press, 2008) and co-author of The Science of Web Surveys (Oxford University Press, 2013). He has been conducting research and implementing online surveys for many years, and more recently has been exploring the implications of mobile device use for Web survey design and for enhanced measurement. He is credited with developing the term “paradata” and has used Web survey paradata in many different settings.
DC-AAPOR Diversity and Career Panel Discussion
October 16, 2018
Gallup (901 F St. NW, Washington, DC)
The Baltimore-Washington chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (DC-AAPOR) hosted a panel of experts in the survey research field to discuss the state of diversity in our industry, why it’s important, and how to get started on a survey research career. Angela Talton, Chief Diversity Officer at Nielsen, moderated. Panel included experts from the government, non-profit, private, and academic sectors and was followed by a networking reception with complimentary beer, wine, and hors d’oeuvres. Representatives from some leaders in the survey research industry were in attendance at the networking reception for informal conversations.
2018 DC-AAPOR and WSS Summer Preview/Review Conference
Monday, July 16, 2018
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Final program and slides: http://files.dc-aapor.org/slides/summer2018/2018-Summer-Conference-Program-Final.pdf
We know you can’t travel to every conference, so DC-AAPOR and WSS teamed up once again to bring you a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) taking place at this year’s national and international conferences. At the 2018 Summer Conference Preview/Review, attendees had the opportunity to share their work, hear what others are doing, and connect with colleagues. After the conference, we had a happy hour at Union Pub.
Thank you to our conference sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors: Fors|Marsh Group; Westat
Gold Sponsors: AIR; EurekaFacts; RTI International
Silver Sponsors: Gallup
Meet the National AAPOR Council
March 21, 2018 5-7pm
Zaytinya, 701 9th St
Attendees enjoyed after-hours refreshments and mingled with members of the American Association for Public Opinion Research National Council.
Journal of Official Statistics/Statistics Sweden and DC-AAPOR Present a Workshop on Responsive and Adaptive Survey Design
March 14, 2018
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Responsive and adaptive survey designs have developed in reaction to a rapidly changing survey environment that increasingly requires flexible designs that often leverage multiple modes, rely on multiple data sources, and optimize cost-quality tradeoffs over the survey life cycle. In principle, responsive and adaptive designs involve the use of auxiliary data to inform the application of design features/interventions, the monitoring of explicit quality and cost metrics, and optimization of quality-cost tradeoffs.
The primary goal of the workshop was to address questions such as:
- Which approaches can be used to guide the development of cost and quality metrics and their use over the survey life cycle?
- Which methods are able to identify phase boundaries or stopping rules that optimize responsive designs?
- What are best practices for implementing core principles of adaptive design?
The workshop was based on the Special Issue of Journal of Official Statistics on Responsive and Adaptive Design, published in September 2017. Attendees in the workshop learned about formalized rules of adaptive design for adaptation to their own survey context. Attendees also learned about the impact of responsive and adaptive designs on the quality of household survey estimates in both household and establishment contexts.
Thank you to our sponsors for supporting this great event!
POQ Special Issue Conference
March 16, 2018 8:30am-5:00pm
Bureau of Labor Statistics
DC-AAPOR proudly hosted the 10th Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference. This year’s conference featured the guest editor and many of the authors who contributed to the 2017 Special Issue: “Survey Research, Today and Tomorrow”:
- Peter V. Miller (U.S. Census Bureau) – Special Issue Guest Editor
- David Dutwin (SSRS)
- Andrew Mercer (Pew)
- Chris Antoun (University of Maryland)
- Fred Conrad (University of Michigan)
- David Sterrett (NORC at the University of Chicago)
- Darcy Steeg Morris (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Brian Amos (University of Florida)
Thank you to Westat and Pew Research Center for sponsoring this event!
Honoring Scott Fricker
February 26, 2018 5-7pm
DC-AAPOR held this special event to remember Scott Fricker. Scott was a well-respected friend and colleague whose kindness and warmth touched us all. This was an opportunity for those who knew him to get together and share their fond memories and reflect on how he touched everyone’s lives.
Several people have asked for a way to support Scott’s family during this tragic time. In collaboration with Scott’s colleagues and friends at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the University of Maryland, a GoFundMe account has been created to support the educational needs of Scott’s children: www.gofundme.com/fricker-educational-fund.
The Office of Survey Methods Research (OSMR) at BLS is also collecting inputs for a memory book that will be given to Scott’s family. If you would like to add to it (your thoughts, stories, pictures, etc.), you can email your contribution to Edgar.Jennifer@bls.gov.
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
When: December 14, 2017, 5-7pm
Where: Espita Mezcaleria, 1250 9th St NW, Washington, DC
DC-AAPOR presents a Workshop on Usability Testing for Survey Research
November 13, 2017
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Instructors: Emily Geisen, RTI International; Jennifer Romano Bergstrom, Instagram
Usability testing in survey research allows in-depth evaluation of how respondents and interviewers interact with questionnaires, particularly web and mobile surveys. A respondent may understand the survey question and response options, but may be unable to select their answer accurately on the small screen of a smartphone. Although there is a growing body of literature on best practices for web and mobile surveys, not all design guidelines work equally well for all surveys and all survey populations. In addition, it is clear that the capabilities of computerized surveys are constantly emerging. Examples are the use of images, videos, maps and GPS, interactive features, and mobile devices. As a result, it is critical for researchers to have the necessary tools to evaluate, test, and modify surveys to incorporate user-centered design in an iterative method as part of the survey pretesting process.
After this workshop, students were able to:
- Identify potential usability concerns with surveys
- Incorporate iterative user-centered design and testing into survey development process
- Plan and moderate user testing to improve design of surveys
- Analyze and revise surveys to improve usability
2017 DC-AAPOR and WSS Summer Preview/Review Conference
Monday, July 24, 2017
Bureau of Labor Statistics
8am-5pm, with happy hour to follow
We know you can’t travel to every conference, so DC-AAPOR and WSS teamed up once again to bring you a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) taking place at 2017’s national and international conferences. The program and presenter slides are available on the Washington Statistical Society website: http://washstat.org/seminars/2017/2017_Summer_Conference_Program_Final.pdf.
After the conference we had a happy hour at the 201 Bar at 201 Massachusetts Ave NE. Thank you to our gold conference sponsors RTI International, Westat, and IMPAQ International, and our silver sponsors, Gallup and American Institutes for Research (AIR)!
Short Course: “Cognitive Interviewing: A Hands-On Approach”
July 10, 2017
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Co-sponsored by AAPOR and DC-AAPOR and presented by Gordon Willis, PhD
Cognitive interviewing has become a very popular method for pretesting and evaluating survey questionnaires. The current approach favored by Federal laboratories and private research institutions mainly emphasizes the use of intensive verbal probes that are administered by specially trained interviewers to volunteer respondents, to delve into the cognitive and socio-cultural processes associated with answering survey questions. Based on this information, the evaluator makes judgments about where questions may produce difficulties in a number of subtle ways, due to cognitive demands they impose, cultural mismatches, or other shortcomings. The short-course focused on the specifics of how to conduct cognitive testing, and how to process and communicate the results obtained. Although an introduction to theory and background perspective is included, the course focused on the application and practice of cognitive interviewing techniques, as these are targeted toward both interviewer-administered (face-to-face or telephone) and self-administered (paper and computer) surveys. Participants practiced the conduct of cognitive interviews across administration modes, and evaluated their results by judging where questions have failed, and what one might do to revise them. The course aimed to provide a working familiarity with cognitive techniques, so that students will be able to begin conducting cognitive interviews on their own.
Meet the Council Reception
Wednesday, March 22, 5-7 PM
We enjoyed after-hours refreshments and mingled with members of the American Association for Public Opinion Research Executive Council.
Short Course on Construction of Weights in Surveys
Co-sponsored by AAPOR and DC-AAPOR
March 16-17, 2017
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
Most surveys are designed to provide statistics for a possibly (very) large number of characteristics of interest. Typically, the data collected are stored in a rectangular data file, each row corresponding to a sample unit and each column corresponding to a characteristic of interest. Made available on the data file is a weighting system. The idea is to construct a single weighting system applicable to all the characteristics of interest. The typical weighting process involves three major stages. At the first stage, each unit is assigned a base weight, which is defined as the inverse of its inclusion probability. The base weights are then modified to account for unit nonresponse. At the last stage, the weights adjusted for nonresponse are further modified to ensure consistency between survey estimates and known population totals. When needed, the weights undergo a last modification through weight trimming or weight smoothing methods in order to improve the efficiency of survey estimates. The goal of the workshop was to provide a detailed (theoretical and practical) description of each stage of the weighting process. Throughout the workshop, different concepts were illustrated through live simulation studies.
About the Instructor: David Haziza is an Associate Professor in the Department of mathematics and statistics at the Universite de Montreal.
Human Trafficking Prevalence Estimation Methods in the United States: A Technical Evaluation
Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:30-2:00 pm
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
DC-AAPOR was a co-sponsor of this free event.
Speaker: Davina P. Durgana, PhD, is Senior Researcher and Statistician on the Global Slavery Index of the Walk Free Foundation.
Chair: Theresa Harris, AAAS Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program
This talk summarized the collaborative efforts of the Walk Free Foundation and its partners to evaluate the technical and statistical merits of potential methods of estimating human trafficking prevalence in the United States. This presentation solicited and encouraged open discussion around the presented methods and will aimed to foster a collaborative atmosphere of constructive criticism and feedback as the Walk Free Foundation and others formalize their recommendations for the best technical methods to estimate human trafficking at a national level in the United States. Some of the methods discussed include Multiple Systems Estimation (MSE), Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS), and various online and phone-based survey methods.
DC-AAPOR Annual Holiday Party
When: December 6, 2016, 5-7pm
Where: Espita Mezcaleria, 1250 9th St NW, Washington, DC
DC-AAPOR and the Roper Center present… 2016 Election Polling: A Postmortem
When: November 16, 2016 3:00pm-5:30pm
Where: The Gallup Building, 901 F Street, NW The Great Hall, (2nd Floor)
This event was an opportunity to gather with colleagues and industry leaders to look back over the year, digest the recent election results, and examine implications for our profession and for the next administration. This postmortem’s panel included several distinguished guests, including Susan Page, David Winston, Celinda Lake, and Frank Newport. The panel was chaired by Murray Edelman.
Driving Black While in New Jersey
November 7, 2016 2:30-4:00pm
Pew Research Center
Were the New Jersey State Police disproportionately stopping cars driven by African-Americans on the southern end of the New Jersey turnpike? This lecture recounted the experiences of the speaker as a statistical expert witness in a case brought by the New Jersey Public Defenders. Sponsored by WSS Human Rights Statistics Program; ASA Statistics Without Borders; AAAS Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program; DC-AAPOR; Capital Area Social Psychological Association.
Methods of Polling and Election Prediction
October 24, 2016
Microsoft offices
Two weeks before the election, DC-AAPOR offered an event where top pollsters gave their thoughts on who will win the election and how they make those calls. We brought together polling experts to discuss two topics on the minds of all who follow the polls. The first session discussed the role for telephone surveys in the polls of the future. The second session discussed the methods used by poll aggregators to produce state and national estimates for the presidential race. The evening concluded with a happy hour.
Washington Statistical Society Presents: Statistics and Presidential Elections
October 7, 2016
Gonzaga College High School
Speaker: Clyde Tucker, CNN and American Institutes for Research and Bureau of Labor Statistics (retired)
Chair: Carol L. Howald, Assistant Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Mathematics, Howard Community College
Sponsors: WSS Statistics Education Committee and Gonzaga College High School
Dr. Tucker is the chief statistician for CNN for their November election forecasts. In this talk he described how CNN and other networks make their election night decision as to when they have enough information to provide the public with projected winners.
The Polling Blues
August 8, 2016
RTI and Blues Alley
DC-AAPOR presented a day-night doubleheader. First, Jon Krosnick presented a talk and took questions on the current state of political polling, considering recent high-profile events such as the primary elections here in the US and the Brexit referendum in the UK. Later, DC-AAPOR hosted happy hour at Blues Alley to enjoy Krosnick’s band, Charged Particles, play a set with Paul McCandless.
Conference Preview/Review
July 18, 2016, 8:00am – 5:00pm
USDA Economic Research Service
This annual conference brought presentations from large national and international conferences to DC so we could all keep up on the latest developments in the field. WSS was a co-sponsor of this event.
Seminar: Does Participating in a Panel Survey Change Labor Market Behavior?
May 31, 2016, 12:30pm-2:00pm
BLS Conference Center
This seminar reviewed evidence that suggests panel conditioning not only affects the reporting of behavior (as previous studies have demonstrated), but can also alter respondents’ actual behavior.
Workshop: Spanish Survey Translation & Administration
April 28, 2016, 1:00-4:30pm
BLS Conference Center
This half day workshop focused on the basic issues of Spanish translation that confront the everyday practitioner – the practicalities of whether and how to offer Spanish language interviews, self-administered questionnaires, and other respondent communications.
Short Course: Introduction to R
April 11, 2016, 12:30-4:30pm
BLS Conference Center
This course provided attendees with no prior knowledge of R with the tools they need to do basic statistical analyses and where to find resources to continue learning after the class is over.
Happy Hour: Meet the AAPOR Council
March 28, 2016, 5:00-7:00pm
Zaytinya (701 9th St NW)
An after-work happy hour for mingling with the AAPOR Executive Council.
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 5:30-7:30 PM
One Metro Center, in the 7th floor atrium
701 13th St NW, Washington, DC
A Seminar: Innovations in the 2020 Census
Monday, November 30th, 2015 12-2pm
Pew Research Center
Lisa Blumerman, Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs, summarized the 2020 Census design decisions and the associated estimates of cost savings. She also highlighted research and testing the Census Bureau has done leading up to these design decisions.
DC-AAPOR and the WSS Methodology Section present a seminar:
LGBT Population Measurement Issues
Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 1:00 – 4:00pm
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
This free seminar featured four presentations, with time for Q&A, and a discussant. It addressed current issues in conducting research with or about the transgender population, sexual orientation, and households of same-sex couples. Presenters covered emerging survey administration and measurement challenges related to identification, using administrative records, and obtaining health reports from the LGBT population. To view abstracts of presentations, click here.
DC-AAPOR Presents the 9th Annual Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference
Celebrating Public Opinion Quarterly – Selected Papers, 2014-2015
Friday, September 25th, 2015 8:00am – 4:30pm
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
DC-AAPOR is proud to have hosted the 9th annual Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference. This year’s one-day conference took a new approach: not only did we feature the guest editor and one author contributing to the 2015 “Cross-Cultural Issues in Survey Methodology” Special Issue, but six more selected POQ articles from the last two years of POQ. Attendees heard in-depth author discussions of their articles (provided to registrants in advance), with ample time for Q&A and discussion with each author.
Summer Conference Preview/Review 2015
Hosted by the DC-AAPOR & the Washington Statistical Society
Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center, Washington DC
The annual conference preview/review was bigger and better this year: 35 presentations, including posters and demos, were arranged into 9 sessions. Participants gave us well-developed presentations drawn from six major prior or upcoming 2015 conferences. This year, we chose a one-day, two concurrent session format. Approximately 120 presenters and audience were in attendance. A happy hour followed at nearby 201 Bar. D3 Systems and Mathematica were our official sponsors, making this year’s conference possible.
See the final program for the full list of conference presentation titles, speakers, and links to slides from the presentations.
A Seminar – Methods and Directions for the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 12-1:30pm
Gallup International, Great Hall, 901 F St, NW DC
FEVS is the preeminent ongoing survey of Federal employees, conducted by OPM since 2002 to provide essential human capital information to Federal agencies about their workforce. It is also used by academic researchers in the fields of public administration and management. William G. Resh, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Sol Price School of Public Policy at USC, and Kimya Lee, PhD, Senior Advisor on Research & Evaluation at the US Office of Personnel Management, discussed the purposes, methodology, developments and possible changes that might allow more effective use by one community of academic researchers. In an engaging dialogue with the audience, technical and policy issues surrounding this complex survey program were discussed. Resh’s slides from his presentation are available here, and Lee’s slides are here.
A Workshop: Writing for Publication on Public Opinion and Survey Research
Monday, April 27th, 2015 1:00 – 4:30pm
Barbara Jordan Conference Center (1330 G Street, NW)
This event was a hands-on workshop to help people write for scientific publication, or improve their skills at doing that. DC-AAPOR assembled a panel of editors of the major journals in our discipline and well-known, frequently-published authors to orient attendees to the academic and other publication markets that may want to publish your work, give you advice on how to get published, and relay insider information on what editors and journal referees are looking for when they consider submissions.
A Reception – Meet the National AAPOR Executive Council
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:00 – 7:30pm
RTI International (7th floor atrium), 13th Street (and G St), NW DC
10 current AAPOR Executive Council officers met with chapter members to enjoy after-hours refreshments and talk about AAPOR issues and initiatives and the upcoming May Conference in Florida. President Michael Link, VP Mollyann Brodie, Membership/Chapter Relations Chair Jenny Hunter Childs and Conference Chair Dawn Nelson made remarks. Special thanks to Karol Krotki and the RTI team for working so hard to provide us their beautiful and commodious venue. Two new members joined – welcome!
DC-AAPOR Annual Holiday Party
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Capital City Brewing Co., 1100 New York Ave. NW, Washington, DC
2014 Election Polling: A Post-Mortem and Look to the Future
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 3:00 – 5:30
The Gallup Organization, Great Hall (2nd floor), 901 F Street, NW DC
Co-sponsored by the Roper Center and DC-AAPOR, this event provided an opportunity to join with colleagues and industry leaders to look back over the year, digest the results and the performance of the new methodologies, and to examine their implications for our profession from different points of view. Polling experts, political strategists and analysts discussed how the polls fared during the Congressional voting season this year.
DC-AAPOR presents a Book Talk: Between the Covers of “Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method, 4th Edition” – an afternoon with authors Don Dillman, Jolene Smyth and Leah Christian
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 4:00 – 6:00pm
US Government Accountability Office, Learning Center (441 G St, NW DC)
Three leading survey experts discussed the extensive revision of their influential 2009 book, Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method. They focused on the key ideas in the new edition that they see as particularly important for survey research today and in the near future. The authors have rethought the behavioral basis of survey response to make it more compatible with today’s rapid-fire, asynchronous communication environment. They brought telephone back into the book (after excluding it from the second and third editions) and have made mixed-mode designs the central organizing feature of the book, arguing that mixed-mode designs provide new and important capabilities for improving the quality of sample survey results. In addition, they developed a companion website to provide new tools for survey design.
The authors discussed, in turn: the key themes that have changed, applying social exchange in today’s rapid-fire communication environment, and creating mixed-mode survey designs that work. Access the slides from this event. After audience discussion and questions, light refreshments were served, and the authors signed copies of their book for attendees who pre-ordered a copy.
The authors from left to right: Jolene Smyth, Don Dillman, and Leah Christian
DC-AAPOR presents the 2014 Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference
Friday, October 24th, 2014 8:30 – 5:00
Barbara Jordan Conference Center 1330 G Street, NW DC
DC-AAPOR hosted the 8th annual Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ) Special Issue Conference. This year’s conference highlighted New Directions in Presidential-Election Research and featured presentations by the volume’s contributing authors. Topics included new methods for estimating election outcomes, the role of racial attitudes and party identification in recent elections, real-time assessments of public opinion, and more. View the full conference program (including scheduled speakers, presentation titles, etc.) To access papers from the conference, please visit the POQ Special Issue website.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and User Experience (UX) Research
Instructor: Jennifer Romano Bergstrom, Fors Marsh Group
Friday, September 19, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The Gallup Organization, 901 F Street NW, # 400, Great Hall (2nd floor), Washington, DC 20004
This workshop, led by Dr. Jennifer Romano Bergstrom, brought together researchers with interests in usability testing, user experience (UX) design, and eye tracking research. It featured a mixture of presentation materials and participatory activities, including eye-tracking visualizations and video clips from past research studies, group and individual exercises, and hands-on experience. Topics covered included:
- The fundamentals of eye-tracking methodology in the user experience field
- Details about the different types of eye-tracking data and what each type can and cannot inform
- Pros and cons of conducting eye tracking and using eye-tracking data
- How to effectively conduct and moderate an eye-tracking session
- How to analyze eye-tracking data to reveal usability and design issues
- How to get client buy-in for incorporating eye tracking into the UX research process
- How to evaluate and improve survey instruments through eye-tracking research
All event attendees received a copy of Dr. Romano Bergstrom’s 2014 book, Eye Tracking in User Experience Design. Access slides from this event.
DC-AAPOR & WSS present Surveys & Stats at the NATS
Friday, September 26th, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Nationals Stadium, Scoreboard Pavilion
Workshop in Analysis and Reporting of Cognitive Interviews
Instructor: Gordon Willis, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Friday, September 5, 2014 9:00 – 1:30
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference and Training Center, Rooms 1 – 2, 2 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, DC 20212
Click here to download slides from this workshop in PowerPoint format.
Cognitive interviewing is a well-established questionnaire pretesting/evaluation method, but analysis techniques and reporting standards have not been as well developed. This workshop, led by Dr. Gordon Willis, brought together researchers with interest and experience in cognitive interviewing, to review current analysis models, discuss the benefits, costs, and best uses of each, and to develop ideas for collaborative research in order to further evaluate these approaches. Dr. Willis provided background on the close associations between cognitive interview test objectives, collection methods, and analysis techniques, and described a Cognitive Interviewing Reporting Format (CIRF) that provides practitioners with a framework for clarifying and documenting cognitive interviewing procedures as they are implemented in practice. Participants received actionable guidelines for improving the quality of their cognitive testing research, and opportunities to discuss ways of applying, evaluating, and enhancing analysis and reporting methods in their own work.
Summer Conference Preview/Review 2014
Hosted by the DC-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Washington Statistical Society
July 22-23, 2014
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center, Washington DC
DC-AAPOR and WSS brought you a sample of exemplary presentations (both talks and posters) that took place at this year’s national conferences. The 2014 Summer Conference Preview/Review gave the opportunity to share your work, hear what others are doing, and socialize with colleagues. A happy hour was held on the first evening of the conference.
See the program for the full list of conference presentation titles, speakers, and links to slides from the presentations.
Workshop on Data Visualization – Maps and More with Social Explorer
Monday, June 23rd, 2014 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Bureau of Labor Statistics (2 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, DC), Conference Center, Room 3
An introduction to the general principles of data visualization and how it can enhance research and data dissemination. This workshop was led by the experts at Social Explorer – creators of a powerful data visualization tool developed through a collaborative NSF grant. The team illustrated different examples of big (and small) data visualization using interactive, web-based tools, and showed attendees how to create dynamic, interactive maps and presentations for demographic research, classroom lessons, public events, the media, and more. They also previewed some of the new features of the Social Explorer tool, and provided attendees with the foundation for making their own research projects more useful and impactful. This non-technical workshop was intended for a broad audience that includes survey researchers, survey operations and publications staff, social scientists, and journalists who want to develop and leverage more effective visualizations for research, analysis, and communication.
A Panel Discussion on Training for Survey Research
With Jill Dever, Graham Kalton, Scott Keeter, Danni Mayclin, Mikelyn Meyers and Barbara O’Hare
Moderated by Stanley Presser
Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 3:00 – 5:00
Pew Research Center, 1615 L Street, Suite 700, NW Washington, DC
The invited panelists – prominent survey methodologists and young researchers active in the commercial, academic, and government survey sectors – shared their perspectives on the state of training in survey research, and we had a broader dialogue among the panelists and audience members on the critical issues and future directions of educational activities in the field. The event was immediately followed by a happy hour (with open bar) for both panelists and registrants. Click here for notes and links to download PowerPoint presentations from the event.
DC-AAPOR Presents a Seminar by Dr. Michael Schober (New School for Social Research)
Comparing New Survey Modes: Text and Voice Interviews on Smartphones
Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 11:00 – 12:30
BLS Conference and Training Center, Rooms 1 & 2
ABSTRACT: Michael Schober discussed research, carried out with Fred Conrad and other collaborators at the University of Michigan and AT&T Research Labs, exploring how different interviewing modes on a single device (text and voice on an iPhone) and survey mode choice affect data quality, completion and satisfaction. By contacting iPhone users by either a human or automated interviewer, via voice or SMS text, four modes were established: Human Voice, Human Text, Automated Voice, and Automated Text. The findings demonstrate clear benefits from text vs. voice and from mode choice on a single device, and provide insight into which modes lead to less satisficing and more disclosure, how mode choice affects completion rates, and how mode choice affects respondent experience and satisfaction. These results were discussed within the broader context of evolving collection technologies, and what these changes may mean for survey interviews of the future.
Michael Schober is Professor of Psychology at the New School for Social Research and editor-in-chief of the journal Discourse Processes. In collaboration with Fred Conrad at the University of Michigan, he has studied interaction and comprehension in telephone and face-to-face survey interviews as well as the “dialogue” between respondents and interviewing agents in self-administered surveys. With Fred Conrad, he is co-editor of the volume Envisioning the Survey Interview of the Future (Wiley, 2007) and the co-recipient of AAPOR’s 2013 Mitofsky Innovators Award. In recent research he has been examining how survey interaction and data quality are affected by new communication technologies, including human and automated interviews via text and voice on smartphones and interviews with virtual animated agents.
New Member Appreciation Happy Hour
Thursday, March 27, 2014, 5:00-7:00 PM
La Tasca, 722 7th St. NW, Washington, DC
The FedCASIC Happy Hour (cohosted with WSS)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 4:45 – 6:30 PM
The 201 Bar, 201 Mass Ave, NE, Washington, DC
Panel on Adaptive Survey Design
February 10, 2014, 1:00 PM – 4:15 PM
The Gallup Building, 901 F Street NW, Great Hall (2nd floor).
This half-day event was organized around four key topics related to adaptive and responsive survey designs: cost and data quality indicators; paradata and displays; systems infrastructure; and models and interventions. Speakers addressed broad themes rather than focusing on one case study or survey as well as used examples from their own and others’ experiences to discuss the current state of adaptive and responsive survey design, its challenges, and its future trajectory.
Time | Speaker(s) | Topic | |
1:00 | Scott Fricker | Introductory Remarks | Slides |
1:15 | Peter Miller | Cost and Data Quality Indicators | Slides |
1:45 | Frauke Kreuter & Andrew Mercer | Paradata and Displays | Slides |
2:15 | Break | ||
2:30 | Anup Mathur & Michael Thieme | Systems Infrastructure | Slides |
3:00 | Andy Peytchev | Models and Interventions | Slides |
3:30 | Frauke Kreuter | Concluding Remarks | Slides |
4:00 | Question and Answer |
Speakers included leading survey researchers and practitioners versed in adaptive and responsive survey design.
Scott Fricker is a Senior Research Psychologist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. He received a Ph.D. in Survey Methodology from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland. His research interests include survey nonresponse and measurement errors, process and product quality, respondent burden, and respondent-interviewer interactions.
Frauke Kreuter is an Associate Professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland, USA; Professor of Statistics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany; and head of the Statistical Methods Research Department at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nürnberg, Germany. She received her Ph.D. in Survey Methodology from the University of Konstanz. Her research focuses on sampling and measurement errors in complex surveys.
Anup Mathur serves as the Senior Computer Scientist and Enterprise Solutions Architect at the Bureau of Census, where he is a senior advisor to the CIO and CTO with regard to the design, implementation, and evaluation of developmental projects for IT systems at the Census Bureau. He currently is engaged in the planning of common service platforms for Data Collection and Processing at the Bureau. He also serves as the Solution Architect for the Center for Adaptive Design. Dr. Mathur has more than 15 years of experience in technical program management and in designing, integrating, and deploying complex IT systems. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Virginia Polytechnic & State University, Masters from the University of Georgia, and Bachelor’s from the University of Delhi.
Andrew Mercer is a Senior Survey Methodologist at Westat and Ph.D. student in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland where he also received his MS. His research interests include responsive design, the use of paradata to guide survey operations, and agent based models.
Peter Miller is Chief of the Center for Survey Measurement at the U.S. Census Bureau and Chief Scientist in the Bureau’s Center for Adaptive Design. Before arriving at Census in 2011, Dr. Miller spent 29 years at Northwestern University, where he holds an appointment as Professor Emeritus. He served as Editor-in-Chief of Public Opinion Quarterly from 2001 to 2008, and President of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) in 2009-2010. Dr. Miller earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His current research interests include interviewer and mode effects in surveys, survey nonresponse, and the impact of adaptive design approaches on efficiency and quality in data collection.
Andy Peytchev is a Senior Survey Methodologist at RTI International and Associate Editor of Public Opinion Quarterly. He received his PhD in Survey Methodology from the University of Michigan. His key research interests include reduction and adjustment for survey nonresponse, and responsive and adaptive survey designs.
Michael Thieme is Chief for the Center for Adaptive Design at the U.S. Census Bureau where he leads work to increase survey and census efficiency by researching, designing, and building tools and methods that enable the use of empirical data to facilitate intelligent business decisions prior to and during data collection. He is a graduate of the University of North Texas and the Federal Executive Institute, holds a Masters Certificate in Information Technology Project Management from George Washington University, and is a certified Project Management Professional. Michael has over twenty years of leadership and management experience in government and private sector positions.
DC-AAPOR Annual Holiday Party at La Tasca on December 16th
Monday, December 16, 2013 6:00 – 8:00 PM
La Tasca, 722 7th St. NW, Washington, DC
Data Visualization: Lessons from News Graphics
Amanda Cox
Thursday, December 5, 2013, 6:00 PM
Pew Research Center, 1615 L St. N.W. Washington, DC 20036Amanda Cox, New York Times graphics editor, talked about how the New York Times uses data graphics, discussed sketches that reveal the process behind data graphics development, and touched on the future of data graphics.Amanda Cox (@amandacox) is a graphics editor at the New York Times. Before joining the Times in 2005, she earned a masters degree in statistics from the University of Washington. She received the Excellence in Statistical Reporting Award from the American Statistical Association in 2012 and was part of a team that won a National Design Award in 2009. Her first job, a long time ago and briefly, was as a research assistant at the Federal Reserve Board.
Public Opinion Quarterly Special Issue Conference: Topics in Survey Measurement and Public Opinion
Monday, September 16, 2013, 8:30-4:30
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Barbara Jordan Conference Center
1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20005This year’s conference highlighted topics in survey measurement including research on public opinion and attitudes, questions and questionnaires, and interviewers and interviewing.
- Paul C. Bauer – Testing for Measurement Equivalence in Surveys: Dimensions of Social Trust across Cultural Contexts
- Robert F. Belli: Memory, Communication, and Data Quality in Calendar Interviews
- Simon Chauchard – Using MP3 Players in Surveys: The Impact of a Low-Tech Self-Administration Mode on Reporting of Sensitive Attitudes
- Theresa J. DeMaio – Exploring Measurement Error Issues in Reporting of Same-Sex Couples
- Jennifer Dykema – Introductory remarks
- James L. Gibson – Measuring Political Tolerance and General Support for Pro-Civil Liberties Policies: Notes, Evidence, and Cautions
- Jamie Griffin – On the Use of Latent Variable Models to Detect Differences in the Interpretation of Vague Quantifiers
- Allyson L. Holbrook – A New Question Sequence to Measure Voter Turnout in Telephone Surveys: Results of an Experiment in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study
- Benjamin E. Lauderdale – Does Inattention to Political Debate Explain the Polarization Gap between the U.S. Congress and Public?
- Cleo Redline – Clarifying Categorical Concepts in a Web Survey
- Jennifer Sinibaldi – Evaluating the Measurement Error of Interviewer Observed Paradata
- Nora Cate Schaeffer – Introductory remarks
DC-AAPOR/WSS Summer Conference Preview/Review 2013
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center Rooms 1-3, Washington DC
July 30-31, 2013
The conference brought a sample of many amazing talks taking place this year at national conferences like AAPOR, JSM, ESRAC, ITSEW, IFD&TC, and others. The conference schedule is available here.
AAPOR 68th Annual Conference: ‘Asking Critical Questions: Toward a Sustainable Future for Public Opinion and Social Research’
May 16-19, 2013
Seaport Boston Hotel & Seaport World Trade Center Boston, Massachusetts
Cognitive Interview Workshop
April 26, 2013, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center, Rooms 7 & 8
Introduction to Web Survey Usability Design and Testing Workshop
April 4, 2013, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center, Rooms 7 & 8
Outstanding Member Recognition Happy Hour
March 21, 2013, 5:30 – 7:30 PM at La Tasca
La Tasca, 722 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001
Spanish appetizers and drinks in celebration of three outstanding members:
- Stanley Presser, recipient of DC-AAPOR’s 2012 Outstanding Achievement Award
- Tim Triplett, recipient of a very special DC-AAPOR Outstanding Service Award
- Jenna Fulton, winner of the 2012 Student Paper Competition
DC-AAPOR 2012 Holiday Party
December 17, 2012 at Clyde’s of Gallery Place (Chinatown, Washington DC)
Issues in the Evaluation of Data Quality for Business Surveys
Tuesday October 23, 2012 / 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.at BLS Conference Center
Speaker: Paul Biemer (RTI); Chair: Jill Dever, RTI International [slides]
Nonresponse Prevention, Evaluation, and Adjustment in Establishment Data
October 15, 2012 at BLS Conference Center
Nonresponse Reduction
-McCarthy, Jaki (NASS) [slides]
Nonresponse Bias Analysis for Establishment Surveys – Guidance from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget
-Harris-Kojetin, Brian (OMB) [slides]
Nonresponse Bias Analysis for Business Surveys – A Perspective from the U.S. Census Bureau
-Thompson, K. Jenny (Census) [slides]
Adjusting for Unit Nonresponse in an Establishment Survey Under a Logistic Response Model
– Kott, Phil (RTI) [slides]
Statistics and Audit Sampling with Application to the Eloise Cobell Indian Trust Case
Thursday October 11, 2012 / 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.at Mathematica-MPR, 1101 First Street NE, 12th Floor, Washington DC 20002,
Speakers: Mary Batcher and Fritz Scheuren; Chair: Daniel Lee
Public Opinion Quarterly Special Issue Conference: (The Past, Present, and Future of Public Opinion Research)
Thursday, September 27, 2012 / 8:30 – 4:30 p.m.at USDA Jefferson Auditorium
Summer Conference Preview/Review 2012
June 21-22, 2012 at BLS Conference Center
Did the 2010 Census Social Marketing Campaign Shift Public Mindsets?
-Nancy Bates & Mary Mulry [slides]
The Effect of Mode on Participant Responses to Qualitative Research in Virtual Worlds
-Sarah Dipko, Catherine Billington, & Pat Dean Brick [slides]
A Comprehensive Reassessment of Establishment Surveys across the Entire Data Collection Process
-Grace O’Neill & Kenneth Pick [slides]
Models for a Longitudinal Quantitative Outcome with Multivariate Normal (MVN) Distribution Censored by Therapeutic Intervention
-Wanjie Sun, Michael Larsen, & John Lachin [slides]
Small Area Confidence Bounds on Small Cell Proportions in Survey Populations
-Eric Slud, Aaron Gilary, & Jerry Maples [slides]
Survey Research of Economic Incentives: Do Incentives Given Prior to a Survey Affect Participation in the Survey?
-Aaron Hill [slides]
Cognitive Interviewing Without the Cognitive Interviewer
-Jennifer Edgar [slides]
Developing Calibration Weights and Variance Estimates for a Survey of Drug-Related Emergency-Room Visits
-Phil Kott [slides]
What is That Thing? Knowledge and Usage of Quick Response Codes
-Jonathan Mendelson, Matt Lackey, & Scott Turner [slides]
Is there a Greater Analytic Potential for Open-ended Survey Questions? A Comparison of Analytic Strategies
-Casey Tesfaye [slides]
Significance Testing For Two Cluster Samples With Identical Clusters And Different Units
-Pedro J Saavedra, R .Lee Harding, & Ronaldo Iachan [slides]
Monitoring health care access and utilization following implementation of the Affordable Care Act using the National Health Interview Survey
-Renee M. Gindi, Robin A. Cohen, &Whitney K. Kirzinger [slides]
Early Stage Scoping: Bridging the Gap between Survey Conceptsand Survey Questions
-Kristin Stettler & Fran Featherston [slides]
Introduction to Statistics Without Borders and Discussion of the Global Citizen Year Project
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 / 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.at Mathematica-MPR, 1101 First Street NE, 12th Floor, Washington DC 20002,
Gary Shapiro, Chair Statistics Without Borders; and Shari McGee
DC-AAPOR 2011 Holiday Party
December 12, 2011 at La Tasca, 722 7th St. NW, Washington DC
Communicating Disclosure Risk to Non-Statisticians
October 18, 2011 at BLS Conference Center
George Zipf, National Center for Health Statistics [slides]
Steven Hirschfeld and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [slides]
Jennifer Park, Office of Management and Budget [slides]
Laura LoGerfo, National Center for Education Statistics [slides]
Using EEG and Eye tracking to Usability Test a Market Research Questionnaire
September 29, 2011 at the Bethesda Library
Caroline Jarrett, user experience consultant
DC-AAPOR Conference on Total Survey Error
September 21, 2011 at KFF Barbara Jordan Conference Center
POQ Special Issue Authors [slides]
Dual-Frame RDD Methodology – A Better Approach
September 1st, 2011, 12:00-1:30pm
Mansour Fahimi, Marketing Systems Group
To Link or Not to Link? Assessing the Quality of Administrative Data for Survey Research
August 18th, 2011, 3:30-5pm
Joe Sakshaug, University of Michigan, Program in Survey Methodology [slides]
How Do Respondents React when Asked to Self-Report their Behavior?
July 26, 2011, 4pm
Marla Cralley, MBA, Arbitron
Understanding the Dyadic Nature of Interviewer-Respondent Interaction: Beyond Traditional ‘Interviewer Effects’
June 6, 2011, 6:30-10:00pm
Dr. Matt Jans, Survey Methodologist, U.S. Census Bureau
How Much of Interviewer Variance is Really Nonresponse Error Variance?
April 14, 2011 6:30-8:30pm
Brady T. West, Michigan Program in Survey Methodology (MPSM)
DC-AAPOR Short Course: How to Write Effective Survey Questions
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:30-3pm
Nora Cate Schaeffer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Methodology of the Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (co-sponsored with WSS and Capital Area Social Psychological Association)
January 19, 2011 at the American Psychological Association
Andrea J. Sedlak, Westat [slides]
DC-AAPOR 2010 Holiday Party
December 15, 2010 at Acadiana, 901 New York Avenue NW Washington DC
A Discussion of Nonresponse Bias Studies (co-sponsored with WSS)
November 10, 2010 at BLS
J. Michael Brick, Westat and JPSM [slides]
Plans for the First Release of Small Area Data from the American Community Survey
November 8, 2010 at BLS
Deborah Griffin, U.S. Census Bureau [slides]
Workshop on Understanding Presidential Elections: 2008 and Beyond
October 15, 2010 at KFF Barbara Jordan Conference Center
POQ Special Issue Authors [slides]
Fall Happy Hour at Science Club
October 5, 2010 at Science Club DC, 1136 19th St NW Washington DC
Are Cognitive Testing Results Reliable? Further Exploration and Discussion
September 30, 2010 at BLS
Gordon B. Willis, National Cancer Institute, NIH [slides]
Creating and Evaluating a New Method for Collecting Survey Data via the Internet
July 15, 2010 at BLS
Jon Krosnick, Stanford University
The OMB Clearance Process for Federal Statistical Surveys (co-sponsored with WSS)
June 30, 2010 at BLS
Paul Bugg, Brian Harris-Kojetin, and Shelly Wilke Martinez of the Office of Management and Budget
Happy Hour at Science Club
June 3rd, 2010 at Science Club DC, 1136 19th St NW Washington DC
MockPOR with JPSM- AAPOR conference preview
May 10th, 2010 at Lefrak Hall, University of Maryland
Stephanie Eckman, Jenna Fulton and Frauke Kreuter, Brady West, and Casey Tesfaye
Washington Statistical Society/DC-AAPOR Seminar: Is it Culturally Ethical? Human Rights Challenges in International Survey Research
April 26th, 2010 at Pew Research Center 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC
Safaa Amer, Senior Statistician, NORC at the University of Chicago [slides] Mary Gray, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, American University [slides]
Panel on same sex marriage and civil unions
March 2nd, 2010 at Urban Institute – 2100 M St NW Washington, DC 20037
The Challenges of Conducting the Census 2010
January 21st, 2010 at Pew Research Center 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC
Dr. Robert Groves, Director, U.S. Census Bureau [ Robert Groves transcript, Robert Groves audio, Jeffrey S Passel transcript , Joseph Salvo transcript, Constance F Citro transcript]
Geographic Information (GIS) Data Collection and Storage (co-sponsored with WSS)
December 16th, 2009 at 12:30-2:00pm
Chuck Roberts, ESRI Federal Account Manager and Tosia Shall, ESRI Sales Engineer [slides]; Rick Mueller, Head/Spatial Analysis Research, National Agricultural Statistics Service [slides]
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
December 9th, 2009 at Acadiana, 901 New York Avenue, NW, W, DC 20001
SHORT COURSE: Analysis of Cognitive Interviews
December 4th, 2009 at BLS Conference Center
Gordon Willis, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Panel on Address‐Based Sampling (co-sponsored with WSS)
November 10th, 2009 at BLS Conference Center
Anna Fleeman‐Elhini, Arbitron Inc. [slides]; Michael Link, Nielsen Media Research [slides]; Jill Montaquila, Westat [slides]; and Robert Poole, BLS [slides]
SHORT COURSE: Practical Tools for Non-Response Bias Studies
November 6th, 2009 at Pew Research Center (1615 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036)
Kristen Olson and Jill Montaquila
The Sociolinguistics of Survey Translation (co-sponsored with WSS)
October 8th, 2009 at BLS Conference Center
Yuling Pan [slides], Eileen O’Brien [slides]
Current Issues in Cognitive Interviews: State of the Art/Science
September 18th, 2009 at U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001
Gordon Willis, National Cancer Institute, NIH
DC-AAPOR Workshop on Web Survey Methods
September 10th, 2009 at Kaiser Family Foundation, 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005
Mick Couper, Mario Callegaro [slides], Don Dillman, Robin Gentry [slides], Frauke Kreuter [slides], Larry Malakhoff [slides], Jennifer Romano [slides], Vera Toepoel [slides], Roger Tourangeau [slides]
Health Care Reform and Public Opinion
August 19th, 2009 at Pew Research Center, 1615 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Scott Keeter [slides], Claudia Deane [slides], Amy Walter
Video from the seminar
Pre-Election Polling Panel
July 23rd, 2009 at ESSI Conference Room, 1990 K Street NW
Mark Blumenthal, Glen Bolger, Mark Mellman
Summer Planning Meeting
June 25th, 2009 at BLS, 2 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Current State of Telephony in the U.S.
June 15th, 2009 at Gordon Biersch Brewery, 900 F Street, NW
Stephen Blumberg [slides]
The Future of Telephone Surveys (co-sponsored with WSS)
May 20th, 2009 at BLS
Clyde Tucker, BLS [slides]; Scott Keeter, Pew; Karol Krotki, RTI International [slides]
Preview of Upcoming AAPOR Presentations
April 29th, 2009 at BLS Conference Center, 2 Mass. Ave, NE
Introduction to Survey Sampling
April 28th, 2009 at Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, NW, W, DC 20037
Karol Krotki
Practical Issues in Cell Phone Polling
April 16th, 2009 at Pew Research Center, 1615 L Street, NW Suite 700
Scott Keeter, Leah Christian and Michael Dimock [slides]
Meet the Author: David Moore
March 26th, 2009 at Gordon Biersch Brewery 900 F Street, NW
David Moore
Meet the AAPOR Executive Council
March 12th, 2009 at Teatro Goldoni (1909 K Street, NW)
AAPOR Standards for Minimum Disclosure
March 12th, 2009 at 1990 K St, NW
Mary Losch, PhD [slides]
2009 DC-AAPOR Planning Meeting
February 11th, 2009 at Gordon Biersch (900 F Street, NW)
2009 Short Course on Incentives
January 27th, 2009 at Urban Institute 2100 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037
Paul J. Lavrakas, Ph.D
DC-AAPOR Holiday Party
December 10th, 2008 at Bobby Van’s Steakhouse, 809 15th Street, NW
2008 Sampling Short Course
November 25th, 2008 at RTI International, 701 13th Street NW, Suite 750
Karol Krotki
WARREN J. MITOFSKY AWARD DINNER presented by The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
November 13th, 2008
Usability of Electronic Voting and Public Opinion about the New Technology
October 24th, 2008 at Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Center
Frederick Conrad and Michael Traugott, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Chair: Kathy Downey, Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Increasing Difficulty of Obtaining Personal Interviews in the United States- Ever Changing Social Environment
October 23rd, 2008 at Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
William Wayne Hatcher, Regional Director, Charlotte Region, Census Bureau
Discussant: Terry P. O’Connor, Head, Data Quality Research Section, National Agricultural Statistics Service/USDA
Chair: Marilyn Worthy, Energy Information Administration
Metadata from the Data Collection Point of View
September 10th, 2008 at Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
Daniel Gillman, Information Scientist, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Workshop on Cell Phone Numbers and Telephone Surveying in the U.S.
September 4th, 2008 at Kaiser Family Foundation, 1330 G Street, NW
Workshop agenda available upon request to dc-aaapor@gmail.com.
DC-AAPOR Annual Business Meeting
July 24th, 2008 at Gallup World Headquarters, 901 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
Politics and Polling
February 20th, 2008 at The Pew Research Center, 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036Danna Basson, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Jon Cohen, The Washington Post
Mark Blumenthal, Pollster.com
Focus Groups for Surveys: Short Course
December 14th, 2007 at The Urban Institute
Jennifer Edgar & Christine Rho
DC-AAPOR End-of-the-Year Celebration
December 12th, 2007 at Bobby Van’s Steakhouse (15th Street)
Surveying Under Adverse Conditions
October 9th, 2007 at RTI International, 701 13th Street NW, Washington, DC
Caterina Roman, Urban Institute; Mollyann Brodie, Kaiser Family Foundation; Matthew Warshaw, D3 Systems; Joe Eyerman, RTI International & SAPOR (discussant)
Presentation slides available upon request to dc-aaapor@gmail.com.
26th Annual SAPOR Conference
October 4th, 2007 at NCSU University Club, Raleigh, NC
New Experiments on the Design of Complex Survey Questions
September 12th, 2007 at Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Room 1
Paul Beatty, NCHS and Floyd J. Fowler, UMass Boston
An Introduction to the State of the USA, Inc. (SUSA)
September 12th, 2007 at BLS Conference Room 1
Edward Sondik, National Center for Health Statistics (Chair); Christopher Hoenig, President and CEO, SUSA; Robert Groves, University of Michigan/JPSM; Jane Ross, National Research Council, The National Academies
Methodological Issues in Measuring Health Insurance Coverage and Costs
August 21st, 2007 at BLS Conference Center, Room 2
Joanne Pascale, U.S. Census Bureau; Timothy Triplett, Urban Institute; Anne Kearney, U.S. Census Bureau; David Kashihara, ARHQ (discussant)
DC-AAPOR Annual Program Planning Meeting & Happy Hour
June 21st, 2007 at Capitol City Brewing Company (Union Station)
The Role of Statistics and Statisticians in Human Rights
May 17th, 2007 at AAAS Headquarters Auditorium
David Banks, Duke University; Gary Shapiro, Westat; Paul Zador, Westat; Ariela Blatter, Amnesty International (Chair); Erik Voeten, George Washington University (Discussant)
Survey Sampling Short Course
April 27th, 2007 at RTI International, 701 13th Street NW, Washington, DC
Karol Krotki
Workshop on Nonresponse Bias in Household Surveys
March 30th, 2007 at Kaiser Family Foundation
Peter Miller, Robert Groves, Kristen Olson, Scott Keeter, Frauke Kreuter, Young Ik Cho, Katharine Abraham, Michael Brick, Michael Link, Eleanor Singer
Workshop agenda available upon request to dc-aaapor@gmail.com.
Happy Hour and AAPOR Sneak Peak
March 15th, 2007 at McCormick and Schmicks
Patricia Moy and Frank Newport
Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Human Rights: A Model
March 8th, 2007 at Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Center
Brian J. Grim, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
Mortality in Iraq
February 6th, 2007 at Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
Dr. Graham Kalton, Westat (chair); Dr. Gilbert Burnham, Center for Refugee and Disaster Response, Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU Ms Shannon Doocy, Center for Refugee and Disaster Response, Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU Dr. Scott Zeger, Dept of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU (speakers); Jana Asher, AAAS and Dr. David Marker, Westat (discussants)
Holiday Party
December 12th, 2006 at Bobby Van’s Steakhouse
Sampling Short Course
November 8th, 2006 at RTI International, 701 13th Street NW, Washington, DC
Karol Krotki
Seminar on the Mid-term Elections
October 26th, 2006 at Pew Research Center
Scott Keeter , Director of Surveys at the Pew Research Center , Karlyn Bowman, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Amy Gershkoff, Senior Associate at Greenberg Quinlan Rossner Research
How to Steal an Election: Meet-the-author session with David Moore
October 18th, 2006 at University of California, Washington Center
David Moore; Murray Edelman (discussant)
What They See Is What You Get: Nuts and Bolts of Web Surveys
September 7th, 2006 at Pew Research Center
Reg Baker
Understanding Hispanic Respondents
August 17th, 2006 at The Pew Research Center
Roberto Suro, Director of the Pew Hispanic Center, and Manuel Benitez, Director of Operations of Latino Opinion
DCAAPOR Happy Hour/ Alumni Night
June 21st, 2006 at Ireland’s Four Courts in Arlington
AAPOR Exhibition / Market Research Association (MRA) Annual Conference
June 14th, 2006 at J.W. Marriott Hotel
AAPOR 2006 Sneak Peek: DC AAPOR Happy Hour with AAPOR Executive Council
March 16th, 2006 at McCormick and Schmick’s Restaurant, 901 F Street, NW
David Moore and Patricia Moy
DC-AAPOR 2006 Program Planning Meeting and Happy Hour
February 2nd, 2006 at Pew Research Center
DC-AAPOR End of the Year Celebration
December 15th, 2005 at The Barking Dog
Hosted by DC-AAPOR
Weighting Short Course
October 20th, 2005 at Location: The Wilderness Society
Karol Krotki, Senior Research Statistician, RTI International
Panel on Privacy and Public Perception of Risks
September 28th, 2005 at Bureau of Labor Statistics (bring a photo ID)
Ari Schwartz, Associate Director, Center for Democracy and Technology; David Banks, Professor in Statistics, Duke University; Brian Dautch, Director of Government Affairs for the Council on Marketing and Opinion Research; Gerald Gates, Chief, Privacy Office for the US Census Bureau; Herb Lin, Senior Scientist, Senior Staff Officer for the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National Academies; Alvan O. Zarate, National Center for Health Statistics (Chair)
Meet the Author Session
September 20th, 2005 at Capital City Brewing Company (Postal Square Building)
Gordon Willis, Jennifer Rothgeb, and Betsy Martin
Happy Hour at the Barking Dog
July 21st, 2005 at The Barking Dog
Hosted by DC-AAPOR
Fourth Funding Opportunity Seminar in Survey and Statistical Research
June 13th, 2005 at BLS Conference Center
Paul Biemer, Malay Ghosh, Tapabrata Maiti, lan Heston, Robert Feenstra, Leonard Stefanski, Robert E. Fay
An Introduction to the American Time Use Survey
May 26th, 2005 at Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jay Stewart, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Katharine G. Abraham, JPSM (Chair)
Questionnaire Design Methodology for a Study of Human Rights Abuses
May 25th, 2005 at Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jana Asher, Carnegie Mellon University; Fritz Scheuren, NORC, University of Chicago (Discussant)
The Iowa State Poll: Its History and the Methodological Challenges of State Polls
May 19th, 2005 at Bureau of Labor Statistics
J. Ann Selzer, Ph.D.
Mortality Before and After the 2003 Invasion Of Iraq: Cluster Sample Survey
April 8th, 2005 at BLS Conference Center
Les Roberts, John Hopkins School of Medicine; Jana Asher, Carnegie Mellon University (Discussant); Wendy Rotz, Ernst & Young LLP (Chair)
Analysis of Nonresponse in Telephone Surveys
March 10th, 2005 at BLS Conference Center
Randal ZuWallack, Ronaldo Iachan, Leslyn Hall, ORC Macro International Inc.; John Dixon, BLS (Discussant); Roberta Sangster, BLS (Chair)
Pre-election Polls and the 2004 General Election
March 8th, 2005 at Bureau of Labor Statistics
Mark Schulman, Schulman, Ronca, and Bucuvalas; Frank Newport, The Gallup Organization; Scott Keeter, Pew Research Center; Clyde Tucker, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Chair)
Documenting Atrocities in Dafur
February 15th, 2005 at BLS Conference Center
Jonathan P. Howard, U.S. Department of State, and Stefanie Frease, Coalition for International Justice
DC-AAPOR 2005 Planning Meeting
February 8th, 2005 at BLS
Program Committee
Happy Hour
October 7th, 2004 at Capital City Brewing Company
Translation of Survey Instruments
July 7th, 2004 at BLS
Alisu Schoua-Glusberg
Mobile Telecomm. and Changes in Telephone Survey Methods
March 17th, 2004 at The Urban Institute
Charlotte Steeh, Ph.D.
Federal Regulations on Human Participant Protections
February 26th, 2004 at BLS Conference and Training Center (basement level)
Stephen Blumberg, PhD
GPS versus Travel Diary Data: A Study of Misreporting
January 15th, 2004 at BLS
Dr. Johanna Zmud, President, NuStats; Dr. Jean Wolfe, President, GeoStats
Survey Nonresponse Measurement Reconsidered
December 3rd, 2003 at BLS
Fritz Scheuren (NORC), Mike Dennis (Knowledge Networks), and Robie Sangster (BLS)
Exit Polls and the California Recall Election
November 12th, 2003 at BLS
Warren J. Mitofsky, Mitofsky International
An Overview of the New 2004 SIPP Instrument
October 23rd, 2003 at BLS
Pat Doyle, Anna Chan, Nancy Bates, Jeff Moore, and Joanne Pascale, U.S. Bureau of the Census
Deciding to Answer: The Ethnographic Context of Privacy and Confidentiality
June 26th, 2003 at BLS
Eleanor Gerber, Statistical Research Division, U.S. Census Bureau
The Second Seminar on the Funding Opportunity in Survey Research
June 9th, 2003 at BLS
Robert Fay, Monroe Sirken, Research Subcommittee of the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
Insights into the OMB Clearance Process for Survey Information Collections
May 7th, 2003 at BLS
Brian Harris-Kojetin and Karen Lee, OMB
Interviewer Falsification and Scientific Misconduct
April 15th, 2003 at BLS
Dr. Robert M. Groves, University of Michigan
The Impact of the Survey Introduction on Respondents: A Source of Reassurance or Reason for Heightened Anxiety
February 27th, 2003 at UI
Dr. Carolyn L. Funk, Virginia Commonwealth University
Web-Based Survey Experiment to Examine Public Response to Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Prescription Drug Advertising
November 20th, 2002 at BLS
Mollyann Brodie, Ph.D., Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Afghan Refugee Camp Surveys: Pakistan, 2002
October 17th, 2002 at BLS
James Bell, Ruth Citrin, David Nolle (U.S. Department of State) and Fritz Scheuren (NORC, University of Chicago)
Public Opinion Polling in the West Bank and Gaza
September 4th, 2002 at UI
Dr. Khalil Shikaki
Including Families with Limited English Proficiency in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
April 25th, 2002 at BLS
Brad Edwards
Incentives in Internet Surveys
April 9th, 2002 at BLS
Robert Tortora
Tests of Two Methods of Household Contact to Improve Survey Response Rates
March 13th, 2002 at BLS
Barbara O’Hare
An Investigation of Response Rates in Random Digit Dialed Telephone Surveys
January 23rd, 2002 at BLS
Brenda Cox, Daniel O’Connor, Kathryn Chandler
Privacy and Confidentiality Issues Related to Survey Data
December 5th, 2001 at GAO
Dr. Norman Bradburn
Attitudes Toward the War on Terrorism
October 26th, 2001 at BLS
Rich Morin
Understanding Respondents’ Interpretation of the Vague Economic Concept “Cash”
July 25th, 2001 at BLS
Ashley Landreth & Eileen O’Brien
The Polling Lessons of Campaign 2000
June 20th, 2001 at BLS
Andrew Kohut
The American Public On Its Role in Public Policy
May 22nd, 2001 at UI
Steven Kull
Methodological Issues Involved in Doing Research on Catholics and the Catholic Church
March 28th, 2001 at UI
Mary L. Gautier
Evaluation of a New Methodology and Technology for Measuring Respondent Compliance with a Survey Task
February 9th, 2001 at UI
Brian Harris-Kojetin
Unfortunately, there are no records on events held prior to 2001.