Upcoming Events


DC-AAPOR’s Let’s talk about it–Diversity in Public Opinion Research Webinar
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
12:00-1:30PM EDT

You are invited to join our keynote speaker, Census Bureau Director Rob Santos, and a panel of research practitioners for a conversation about diversity in the field of public opinion research!

We believe that moving forward with DC-AAPOR’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) efforts should first involve hearing directly from diverse voices within the public opinion community. Every researcher is an expert in their own lived experience and can speak to their experiences in the field and the intentionality with which they approach their work. This event, likely the first in a series of community discussions and listening sessions, will consist of an online panel where we can hear from researchers from underrepresented communities about their experiences and challenges working in public opinion research. Not only do we want to learn how their identities influence their work, but we also want to learn about the challenges they face as researchers from underrepresented communities working in this field. Our ultimate goal for this discussion is to create space for everyone to share their lived experiences and create a community that truly welcomes and values ALL data practitioners.

If you have any questions, please reach out to program chair Melissa Cidade at program.chair.dcaapor@gmail.com.


New Directions: Bridging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Survey Research at SurvAI-Day – Social Data Science Center

From Sarah Dipko, 2024 DC-AAPOR President:

DC-AAPOR is fortunate that our esteemed member Dr. Frauke Kreuter has recently taken the reins as AAPOR President.

One of her top priorities in this role is to address the impact of the growing field of artificial intelligence (AI) on the survey research profession.

She has created a marvelous one-day workshop at the University of Maryland in College Park to address this theme.

New Directions: Bridging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Survey Research at SurvAI-Day – Social Data Science Center (umd.edu)

As noted in the event announcement:

This workshop will stimulate thinking and discussions about the different ways that we can utilize AI to accomplish high quality survey research, highlight the value that survey data and procedure can add to the AI community, and initiate a closer relationship between these interconnected fields.”

Join your AAPOR and DC-AAPOR colleagues for a lively day of learning and discussion!