Submit a job posting

To submit a job posting, email the following required information to Do not send this to the web administrator or any individual council member. If you do not provide this information clearly or send it to the incorrect email address, we may decline to post the job.

  • Employer/organization name and a brief description of organization
  • Name of position(s)
  • Location of position(s)
  • A short blurb (no more than 10 sentences) about the position
  • The link where potential applicants should go for more information or to apply

Job postings will be publicly available after the Executive Council approves them, and off-topic or inappropriate job postings may be denied at DC-AAPOR’s discretion. Job postings will be removed after a maximum of 30 days.

Job postings do not indicate a DC-AAPOR endorsement of the employer or position.