on Cell Phone Numbers and Telephone Surveying in the U.S. Thursday, September 4, 2008 9:00am-4:30pm Kaiser Family Foundation 1330 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Co-sponsored by: Abt SRBI, Marketing Systems Group, Survey Sampling International, Westat, and the Washington Statistical Society. Over the last decade, the impact of cellular telephone ownership and usage has taken on increased importance for the survey industry. This workshop, which will feature the most up-to-date theory and research relevant to the topic, is essential for survey practitioners and survey methodologists. The principal goal of the workshop is to address questions such as:
Agenda Workshop Registration The registration fee for the workshop is $65 for chapter members and $75 for the general public. There are a limited number of student registrations available to full-time students. Please contact Paul Schroeder at p.schroeder@srbi.com for more information. The workshop is limited to 150 attendees. Payment by Check: Checks can be made payable to DC-AAPOR and sent to the attention of Michael Lemay at University of Maryland, 1218 Lefrak Hall, College Park, MD 20742. Payment by Credit Card: Please click on the appropriate "Pay Now" link below to proceed with credit card payment via PayPal.
Please contact Adam Safir at safir.adam@bls.gov with any questions about or problems with the online registration form or PayPal system. Directions to the Workshop The workshop will be held in the Barbara Jordan Conference Center, on the second floor of the Kaiser Family Foundation's Public Affairs Center, 1330 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. The Barbara Jordan Conference Center is less than a block from the Metro Center Metro station on the Blue/Orange and Red lines. It is also a short taxi or Metro trip from Union Station (Amtrak), and Washington National Airport (aka Reagan Airport). Parking is available in area lots ($12-$15/day). There is no parking available in Kaiser's building. The building is wheelchair accessible. Free Access to Articles from the Special Issue of POQ http://poq.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol71/issue5/ Questions about the Workshop Contact: Paul Schroeder, Workshop Chair Email: p.schroeder@srbi.com Workshop Organizing Committee John Fries (AARP), Paul Guerino (DOJ), Ryan Hubbard (Westat), Michael Lemay (JPSM), Eileen O'Brien (EIA), Adam Safir (BLS), Paul Schroeder (Abt SRBI), Tim Triplett (Urban Institute) Workshop Sponsorship